[Checkgalpi] 3-1. Human history provides comfort with Prof. Seol Hye-shim
Study Time13:14
#책갈피# 책# 독서# 설혜심# 역사
This is 'Checkgalpi', finding the way of our life through books.
In the third episode, we are with Ph. D Seol Hye-shim, a professor affiliated to the department of history in our university.
From exciting western physiology to comfort from Agatha Christie! We invite you to a world of deep and wide history.
[책갈피] 3-1화 인간의 역사는 위로를 선사한다 with 설혜심 교수님
책갈피, 책, 독서, 설혜심, 역사
Study Time13:14