[Checkgalpi] 12-2. European cities read in 7 codes with Prof. Hyejoon Yoon
Study Time19:07
[Checkgalpi] 12-2. European cities read in 7 codes with Prof. Hyejoon Yoon
This is 'Checkgalpi', finding the way of our life through books.
In the episode 24, we are working with Professor Hyejoon Yoon of the Department of English Language and Literature at our university.
<7 codes: stone, water, blood, money, fire, foot, dream>
What are the characteristics of European cities implied by the above codes?
We invite you to a European city through a book.
책갈피, 책, 독서, 윤혜준, 7개 코드로 읽는 유럽 도시
Study Time19:07