CertificateNot issued
Application07-04-2023 ~ 02-28-2025
Learning period07-04-2023 ~ 02-28-2025
LanguageEnglish (en)
글로벌지속가능발전포럼(GEEF)은 연세대학교와 글로벌사회공헌원, 반기문세계시민센터와 보다 나은 미래를 위한 반기문재단이 공동으로 주최하는 국제적 포럼으로 일반 청중은 물론 국내외 전문가들과 함께 지속가능목표(SDG)에 대한 다양한 이슈를 논의하는 장입니다.
올해 GEEF는 2월 2~3일 "Turning Point: From Crisis into Opportunity"라는 주제로 진행되었습니다.
The Global Engagement & Empowerment Forum on Sustainable Development(GEEF), took place at Yonsei University and is co-hosted by the IGEE, the Ban Ki-moon Foundation for a Better Future and the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens (BKMC).
The GEEF is an international event where all stakeholders convene to collaborate towards accomplishing the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
GEEF 2023, as the cornerstone for fulfilling the mission and vision of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), was organized under the theme of "Turning Point: From Crisis into Opportunity", which reaffirmed the potential of humanity leading cooperation against the pandemic.
GEEF 2023 took place on February 2-3, 2023.
All clips are available at IGEE official YouTube channel
- VodAt least 80% of each video watched
- CourseNot applicable
CertificateNot issued
Study Time22hr 43min
LanguageEnglish (en)